Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo

Habits (Stay High)
Sung by: Tove Lo
Album: Queen of the Clouds

Repetition Rating: 29.47%
Variety Rating: 70.53%   C- (It'll be good for the first month, then become annoying)

Number of Repeated Words*: 40/83
Number of Times Chorus is Sung: 3
Number of Refrains in Song: 3 areas between songs 4 refrains/intro
Number of Repeated Refrains: 0
Number of Repeated Lines Outside of Chorus: 4/24
Number of Repeated Lines In Chorus: 0/6
Number of Vocal Phrases (ooohs aaahs): 21

Wordle of Song With Vocal Phrases and 3 Letter or Less Common Words
Note that Wordle takes out three letter words, but three letter common words still have an affect on number, thus making other words smaller than if the three letter common words weren't there.

Biggest Words: "ooh" & "got"

Wordle of Song Without Vocal Phrases and 3 Letter or Less Common Words

Biggest Words: "high" & "got"

Actual repeated words:
All: 12
High: 8
Time: 7
Got: 7

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