Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How This Blog Works

Ever heard a song on the radio and thought, "Is it just me or did the song writers just run out of ideas?". Unfortunately it may be happening more often recently than we think. Weather it is actually happening more than we think is one of the questions this blog will answer over time.
Using a unique set of properties of each song, I have personally calculated each of the songs that I post and I plan to continuously adjust the measurements and scales based on the songs that I do. The second song I added F-F-F-F#%&-ups to show how many words are re-re-repeated in a v-v-v-vocal m-m-manner.
The scores are based on the average of the total percentages.
If for any reason you find a category that needs to be added or a mistake in any of the songs' calculations please let me know by way of my e-mail address which is katank78@rams.colostate.edu
 If you're not concerned about anything than the "grade" a song has gotten than by all means use the search bar and find the song you are looking for!
Also, there will be polls to see which song you would like me to post next!
One last thing, if a song has little to no repetition (0-10%) then it is considered a too high variation song and has little to no cohesion, and thus will actually receive a repetition "grade" and a variation "grade".
Please do enjoy!

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